Herb Salts

learn some of the things you can preserve with herbs in our online workshop at Rosie's Preserving School UK
The first fresh herbs of the year - exciting and versatile.

If I were to give out one piece of advice it would be to grow some herbs. Don't have a garden? Grow in pots outside of your door. Your door is indoors? Grow on a windowsill.

You can use the little pots of herbs that you get from the supermarket - trim off the stems and leaves that you need then plant what is left in one of your pots. They will grow into new, fresh herbs. They may even need seperating if they get too big.

There are so many things that you could make with your fresh herbs but I have singled out the delicious Rosemary, Thyme and Orange salt. I can reliable recommend this particular salt on home cooked chunky chips

Our Workshops are friendly, no experience of cooking or preserving is necessary and we try to use everyday, familiar equipment. You can cook along with the Live Workshop or use the recording which will be place in The Library of the School soon after the Workshop finishes

So, take advantage of the block booking discounts to access all of the Season's Workshops with the security of knowing you won't miss anything.

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our preserving family

Rosie x

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Gift Voucher for cooker class in Rosies Preserving School

Gift vouchers are available to buy that may be redeemed against live online workshops or recordings of previous workshops.

I've thoroughly enjoyed your workshops over the last year and have learnt so much about preserving - there's a whole world out there, not just jams! Your warm and friendly approach is greatly appreciated, and you answer all our questions with endless patience. Thanks for giving me the confidence to experiment - as you say, what could go wrong?!

- Tracey, Suffolk